
To bring the church into the community & the community into the church

Mission Statement:

Our Mission as Pilar Christian Community Church is 4 Fold:
Worship. Fellowship. Discipleship.  Evangelism.

To Honour, Praise & Worship God inspirit and truth, in our lives & in Church
To pray for & with, minister toand serve & love one another as a church body in Christ
To train ourselves in continuous learning of, and living in, the Word of God
To share the Good News of our faith inJesus with others whilst actively bringing the community into the church & the church into the community.

1. We believe in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, that as the inspired word of God through which it is
revealed to the human being, contains no error in its originals and constitutes the only infallible rule of
faith and conduct.

2. We believe in a unique God, existing and revealed in the Scriptures in the persons of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in Jesus Christ as the only and sufficient Saviour, in his incarnation by the work and grace of
the Holy Spirit and that his redeeming work, death and resurrection of him is sufficient for the salvation of
the human being, without the need for works. In no other is there salvation.

4. We believe in the integral salvation of the human being (body, soul and spirit), freely offered through a
sovereign act of God and obtained by faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that every human being is a sinner
and that, in order to be saved, in his free will, he must accept the Grace of God with the indispensable
need for repentance, trust in the efficacy of the expiatory sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the Cross, who died
for all humanity as payment of the debt contracted for our sins and, furthermore, to remain faithful until
death, taking care of our salvation, which is susceptible to being lost due to infidelity or apostasy.

5. We believe in the Promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit by which believers are invested
with power, to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, serve God and live in holiness. The initial evidence is speaking
in unknown tongues, differentiating this fact from the gift of tongues.

6. We believe in the Church, which is the body of Christ, made up of all born-again believers, with its
double character: universal and local, and whose only head is Jesus Christ himself.

7. We believe in baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper as ordinances given by the Lord to his
church. Baptism, as a public testimony of conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ in identification with his
death, burial and resurrection. The holy supper as a reminder of his death, a sign of the New Covenant, and
an announcement of his second coming.

8. We believe in the universal priesthood of believers, Jesus Christ being the only mediator between God
and men. We believe in praying in the name of Jesus as a means of communication with God.

9. We believe in the current validity of spiritual gifts, supernatural manifestations of the power of the Holy
Spirit, given to the church for its edification.

10. We believe in the power of God, capable of working wonders, miracles and healings today.

11. We believe in the rapture of the church and the second coming of Jesus Christ, along with his saints, to
establish his kingdom on earth.

12. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment, some for eternal life, others for
eternal damnation.

13. We believe that marriage was instituted by God and confirmed by Christ, as the union between a man
and a woman, born as such.

Approved at the XXXVI Convention in June 1999. Modified Point 4 Declaration of
FAITH at the V FADE Congress in February 2009. Added article 13 in the Convention of the XI FADE Congress 2015

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" Where every person matters but God matters most! "

© 2022, Pilar Church